Once again we make the trip to Anaheim for the NAMM Show!
Amy the Sound King Pete hanging with Rupert Neve One of many, many charismatic microphones to be encountered here Ran into my old buddy Nick Launay getting ready for a Mix with the Masters session Knobs are a very important part of pro audio An Orange video game! Cable art! It is a very noisy place, overall (especially the drum hall), but they do have to draw the line, sometimes.
The exposition is a good place to see some new, alternative controllers.
A stomp box with knobs designed to be turned with your feet
Always lots of fun gear.
Versatile modules from 1010 Music up the street in Burbank Cool name for a synth; dig the old Odyssey style sliders … This microphone glows inside, which just might inspire your vocal take?
… and a trip to Anaheim is incomplete without visiting one of the many breweries in the vicinity.
Black Cock Brewing Company, Orange Pouring our own at the Pickled Monk in Fullerton