In February 2020, Coredark Labs teamed up with SOMA 2020 for the production of the CON><TACT theater performance at the Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, CA —
The Los Angeles Times
Comprised of three acts, “a story about bodies, language, sound, movement and the transformation we all seek … a story told when a collaborative blueprint meets improvisation and the energy our audience brings” — this was a true live multi-media event, involving dance, spoken word, live music and live video.
The process began with collaborative sessions, conceptualizing visual and musical themes and preparing video and audio assets.
Technical Production
Audio playback and sound effects (in concert with live musicians) was managed with Ableton with MIDI triggers, combined with live mics on an analog mixer driving front of house.
The VSx system was used to create and modulate the stage video background in real time in response to artists’ cues and in synchronization with music and sound effects. The video mix combined a variety of media assets, including video, photography, dynamic composites and animated type treatments.
The VSx video synthesis engine and audio playback were synchronized via proprietary network protocol on a dedicated LAN.

Some images of the process, from pre-production through the live performance:
Preproduction: recording audio elements in the studio Looks like we’re back in a theater … … Scary masks! Amy at the audio mix station Mic’ing the performers Rehearsal – view from the audio/video control station